Every camper’s schedule includes both an instructional swim period and a recreational swim period daily. Our Red Cross certified swim instructors and lifeguards will guide and challenge swimmers of every ability as they advance their strokes and skills each day. Our impressive Aquatics facility includes four heated pools, a splash park, water slides, diving board and water basketball. Our private lake is also available for campers to enjoy boating and fishing.

Gate Hill takes great pride in its outstanding swim program. Within a supportive environment, campers of all abilities are challenged to improve. Campers are split into small teaching groups with campers their age who are working on the same skills. Instructors stay with the same group every day, and ratios are typically 1:4 or better for our early learners and slightly larger for campers as they advance. Every summer 90%+ of Gate Hill campers (including early childhood) pass the deep water test to use our diving board and water slides.

We take extra care to make communication about achievement in swim as clear and helpful as possible. Gate Hill’s swim program is built around the skill progression and levels of the American Red Cross “learn to swim” program. Learn more about swimming progression here

The focus of swim instruction is complemented by numerous exciting water activities to help campers feel comfortable in the water and just to have fun! Group activities at the Splash Park and boating lake are a summer highlight. The flagship experience is our 3 story waterslide tower, which provides a big aspirational goal for those yet to pass the deep water test. Special events crossover to the pools too. From Summer Friday’s at “Club Gate Hill” to Olympic events and more. Campers can also choose to support Project Morry in our annual swimathon.